Kaninika Mishra

The Indian Millionaire Next Door
Publisher: Embassy Books
ISBN: 9789381860069
Nine real stories; nine incredible people! This book traces the amazing journeys of highly successful financial advisors-millionaires next door-who started from scratch and made it to the very top.What did they do to thrive in an industry where thousands fail everyday? How did they remain resolute in face of skepticism and rejection?

Hindi and Tamil Translations
The success of the English version led to the Hindi and Tamil Translations. They are titled Bima ke Mahaguru and Insurance Kodeeswarargal repectively.

Fundamentals of Life Insurance
Theories and Applications
Publisher: PHI
ISBN: 9788120339255
This book comprehensively dwells onto the basics of life insurance, risk management and health and micro insurance, in detail. PowerPoint presentations available online at www.phindia.com/kaninikamishra . The book is now a part of the syllabus for B.Com/B.A/MBA in Universities of Delhi, Osmania, Warangal, Chattisgarh etc. and available in libraries of universities in SriLanka, Malaysia and Goa and the Delhi Public Library.

Life Insurance Underwriting
Publisher: Deep & Deep
ISBN: 9788184501858
Life insurance has become an important discipline of study in the field of business management and quite a bit of literature is now available on life insurance, however the aspects of life insurance underwriting are still scantly written about. This book is an attempt to fulfil this need in an easy and logical way to serve the requirement of students and professionals by providing them a useful insight in all practical aspects of underwriting the risks in life insurance.